RugBuddy® is a Portable Plugin Heating Panel for Use Under Rugs

RugBuddy® is a portable, plugin electric radiant heating panel for use under area rugs. It’s like an electric blanket for your floor. It is safe, healthy, energy-efficient, and durable. RugBuddy can be used over any flooring material. They are available in five sizes.
- 6′ x 9′ Area Rugs
- 5′ x 7′ Area Rugs
- 3′ x 5′ Area Rugs
- 2′ x 7′ 6″ Runner Rugs
- 2′ x 3′ Desk/Floor Mats
You may purchase RugBuddy heaters on this secure site, and we ship them throughout the United States and Canada.
More Luxury Floor Warming Solutions to Consider
Speedheat’s advanced floor warming solutions are designed to go under virtually ANY flooring material.